Girls go BOOM maniFEST


The Girls go BOOM maniFEST took place on the 9th of november 2019. On this day, our manifesto, written by Lindsi Dendauw, Silke Bergans and me, was send into the world. We celebrated by having TET-Talks and concerts (because that's still what we're best at).

It was also the end of our CROWDFUND for the Girls go BOOM CLUBHOUSE (located in 'De Meubelfabriek'). We raised money to pay insurance, electricity and so on. But also to buy musicinstruments that will allow us to give workshops to girls who can't afford to buy them themselves.

For our maniFest and the crowdfund I designed posters, the social media campaign, I made a stop-motion video and I did the lay-out of the maniFest.
In essence, it was not only a conjunction of everything that is Girls go BOOM, it also called for all my skills.

The video below was made by Zoƫ Van Kuyk based on the style I developped.

Our maniFEST was made possible by De Koer, Cavaria and Cultuur Gent.